Friday, May 2, 2008

Highly Recommnended

Another week is almost over , more Grey's Anatomy episodes racked up, another album wrapped up. As I said before, Marie Digby has an album out. I've listened to it all week and a couple of times particularly on a few tracks. So here's some review.Another picture.
Firstly I must say, I am overly impressed by this young star. I didn't think she would be anything but a person trying to impress on youtube. But I got it totally wrong, the album has little hint of any wannabe or copycat. It sounds totally original. Whats more, some songs are of the highest quality , creativity is outstanding coupled with her brilliant vocals and skills on instruments, the album is nothing but great.

Highly Recommended Tracks
ok, just kidding..
Say It Again
Stupid For You
Voice On The Radio
Unfold (Top Rated)

Those are the tracks are the ones I probably listened most, thats why. I can promise you other tracks are nothing short of being great. So check it out !
