Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Being Knocked Up!

Knocked Up, starring the reknown Katharine Heigl will premiere in 6/9. Due to the release at least a month ago in the US, I got the chance to catch it. No spoilers for sure, promise!
Katherine Heigl, Ms. Izzie Stevens the intern from hit show Grey's Anatomy, has shown the hilarious side of herself. This movie is a hit, the reviews are raving about it .
Also, a special appearance from the E! and Idol guy who won an award at Kid's Choice for a particular scene in the movie. I don't need to mention his name.
Heigl looks fantastic as usual in most of the scenes.

She's not single though to my frustration....lol...
The co-star Seth, will play a man with a job you have not heard of, but his personality has got her going ga-ga over him.If you understood the title "knocked up", it should be very interesting.....
The show should be for age 18 and above coz it gots plenty of "f**k", i mean plenty. So it's pretty vulgar for those who are not used to it. And ONE particular scene, which you may never ever forget, hilarious show not to be missed!
Rating 8/10

And due to the fact I really liked her role, resisting buying "hot" was never an option, great issue though..lots of great pics in Galaxie too....The world is at her feet!
