Friday, June 6, 2008

A Song In 24hrs

Been having a job lately, which explains the long pauses between posts and the lack of thorough reviews. But I'm free for the moment and been doing some viewing on youtube. But that day I came across a Marie Digby video I haven't seen before and it was pretty impressive given the length of time she had, and yes it was 24 hours. I think she was invited to sing in a baseball game and she needed to create a song with little time to spare. She did it and it's not a super great song, but it's good. 24 hrs...It's called When the Lights Go Up At Fenway

Then, there was videos posted on the online concert I watched about a few weeks ago. Was very happy to find them, but I really liked the way she sang the last song, Unfold, what a way to close the show.This is such an amazing song. My rating for all her versions of Unfold after listening to them for at least 20times each.
Rated No.1 - Bathroom version. haha.
Rated No.2 - DeepRockDrive version. Video below
Rated No.3 - Song in the album. The song is a bit too fast, just can't feel the touch of the song at times.

Footie post for the first time in awhile next. Transfer talk !
