The special mainly showed how she went on tour and the back scenes on how she made it happen. I've watched many documentaries and read tons about her, but watching one of her concerts remain on the "waiting list". It may not happen soon but the 3 hour special was a wonderful insight on her tour which lasted about 15 months. Her journey is something looked upon millions across America and the world. Her lyrics are 'embedded' in people and it simply shows her song's impact on her listeners. It was another tremendous story about a talented musician trying to make it into the music business.
In the beginning, it showed how she convinced her family to move to Nashville to pursue her music dreams. At an age of 11, somehow she did it and credit to her parents for giving her the opportunity to. Ironically, she got spotted in the same venue where her idol Faith Hill also got noticed. Some humour to the story. After she played in that venue (a cafe), a man walked up to her, asking her to be part of his record label. At the time, she was with a big record label but they were seemingly unwilling to offer her a record anytime soon because she was just 14 or 15. He contacted her a few days later and said. "There are good news and bad news. The good news is I want you on my record label.The bad news is.... I don't have a record label yet". And it was sort of destiny, Taylor had such a bright future ahead and this guy saw it in her, the rest is history.The then little known Big Machine Records has now got Taylor Swift selling millions of copies for them. What a story. Introducing Scott Borchetta.

And more recently, Taylor again mentioned how Big Machine Records gave her the freedom of doing whatever she liked on her new album and how she was very proud to be representing them. Obvious reasons why they trust her, she sells half a million copies on the first week.
The special also included full length performances for her concert in Houston. The first hour had You Belong With Me, Tim McGraw, Fifteen,Teardrops On My Guitar and Our Song. The second, Today Was A Fairytale, Love Story, Hey Stephen and Tell Me Why. The third, Fearless, Forever And Always, Picture To Burn and Shouldve Said No. I was pretty thrilled to be seeing the inside of a Taylor Swift concert. I must say she sounds a lot better than many of her performances on awards and tv shows. It's just an incredible experience for people who attended her concert.
Taylor's efforts in the making her concert possible was also just wonderful to watch. How she chose her dancers, designed her stage, customised the effects and arrangement and most importantly how she made her fans feel that more important to her. There's a lot to mention. Go watch it to find out.
Her band and her mother's influence and support was another key involvement in Taylor's career. Her mother was every supportive of what she does and follows her on the road to all of her shows. And like how Andrea (her mum) says, not many people Taylor's age would want to hang out with their mums, but luckily her daughter does. It sets an inspiring example for teens today and Taylor should be extremely proud. She has the coolest people in her band as well and the intimacy of the band was something people could only wish for. Each and every one of them are special in their own way and they are like family to Taylor. It is closest thing to a fairytale for an artist, working with people who actually are your most important people in life.There was a moment in their last show where she said "I trust you..".Again showing how far they've come.
There are not many people I admire in life and particularly not anyone younger than me. But hats off to Taylor, she has become an idol for millions of people and setting the best example for them. She has won Grammy awards at the age of 20 and there will be no stopping her doing more. Speak Now is a just a fabulous album I can't wait to write a review about soon. Ending with some promo pictures and video from the special.

Taylor Swift's 'Journey to Fearless' on The Hub
Taylor Swift | Myspace Music Videos